Posts tagged with: investment community

investment community

Eating fresh, local greens during the winter months can be a challenge but Ceres Greens of Barre, VT, an early stage vertical farming company, is working to supply fresh, local produce to institutional and food service customers year-round. The Flexible...
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Farmers To You is changing the food system to change our relationship with food On a cold Tuesday, music plays from a radio and workers wheel shopping bags around in a circle lined with incredible looking food items fresh from...
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Let your tastebuds do the buying this holiday season Eating Local Means Eating Better I know most of you have heard about the importance of eating (and shopping) local. It’s better for your health. It keeps more money in the...
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RSF Integrated Capital Institute Reflections I have mixed feelings. I’m feeling sad and a little lonely. On the other hand, I am hopeful and excited about what we can do together to create a more just and sustainable world –...
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I recently read a post from a colleague at Goodworks Ventures, an impact investment fund in rural Montana, that hit home: “There is a lot of discussion around failure and startups these days. Fail fast. Failure is the way you...
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In October, 38 women and four men from Vermont and New England gathered to participate in a workshop on “Addressing Unconscious Bias in Investing and the Workplace.” The workshop was put on by the Vermont Women’s Investors Network (VT WIN)...
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